Since the pandemic, Fresh 48 newborn sessions seem to be growing in popularity and I am not complaining! It used to be standard that a photographer was present in the hospital and would come by your room to capture your baby before you left the hospital. Now, a lot of hospitals have not renewed their contracts with photography agencies so parents are seeking private photographers to come to their room within the first couple days of baby’s arrival.
I don’t miss the charting from my days as a nurse, but I do miss the interaction with the families so soon after meeting their sweet little babies. Everything is still so brand new and raw. When I come to take pictures, the babies are so fresh, sometimes not even bathed yet and still don’t really realize they are out of the womb. It’s a time like no other so I am always so honored to be able to enter that space and document this time for families.
This family was extra special to work with because mama herself is an LDRP nurse so she has witnessed countless births and first meetings, but this was her first time as the birthing mother. She was obviously a natural and daddy was just smitten and seemed to take to his new role quite seamlessly. I loved how his legs were all froggy like as if he was a breech baby even though he wasn’t! It’s so interesting to see their little bodies and get a glimpse of how they were positioned in the womb.
Interestingly enough, a lot of my Fresh 48 clients contact me before or shortly after they reach their second trimester. There is something about preserving this unique time that has these mamas making sure they get me booked early. I definitely recommend reaching out as soon as it’s even on your radar because there is a certain amount of on-call with these sessions so it’s best to find your photographer early on so they can plan accordingly.
Enjoy getting a peek of what an in-hospital newborn session can look like! And reach out if you’re expecting and looking to book one of these extra special sessions.